What is Hip Dip Filler Treatment?

Posted by Michal Krupien on

In recent years, there has been a surge in cosmetic procedures aimed at enhancing various parts of the body. One such procedure gaining popularity is the hip dip filler treatment. Hip dip fillers offer a solution to individuals looking to achieve a more balanced and curvaceous silhouette.

Here at Injectual, we will explore what hip dip filler treatment entails, its benefits, and other relevant aspects. So, let's dive in!

Hip dip filler before and after

Understanding Hip Dip Fillers

Hip dips, also known as violin hips or high hips, refer to the inward curve or depression between the hip bone and thigh bone. While hip dips are a natural characteristic of the body, some individuals may feel self-conscious about the appearance of this contour.

Hip dips filler treatment offers a non-surgical solution to enhance and smoothen the contours of the hips, creating a more rounded and proportionate appearance.

The Procedure: How it Works

Hip dip filler treatment involves the injection of dermal fillers into the areas surrounding the hip dip. These fillers, typically made of hyaluronic acid, help to add volume and shape to the targeted region. However, at Injectual, when performing a hip dip filler treatment in London, UK, we can use a combination of Hyaluronic Acid and Poly-l-lactic Acid (a filler which lasts up to 5 years) to achieve long lasting results. The procedure is performed by a qualified practitioner who carefully assesses the patient's anatomy and determines the amount of filler required for the desired outcome.

During the treatment, the practitioner will use a fine needle to inject the filler into strategic points along the hip dip. The process is relatively quick, typically taking around 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the individual's needs and the complexity of the case. Local anaesthesia and numbing cream will be applied to minimise discomfort during the procedure.

Benefits of Hip Dips Filler Treatment

Hip dip filler treatment offers several benefits to those seeking to enhance their hip contours. Some of the key advantages include:

  1. Improved Hip Contour: The procedure helps to fill in the depressions and create a smoother curve along the hips, resulting in a more aesthetically pleasing silhouette.
  2. Enhanced Proportion: By adding volume to the hip dip area, the treatment can create a better balance between the waist and hips, giving the body a more proportionate look.
  3. Non-surgical Approach: Unlike invasive surgical procedures, hip dip fillers offer a non-surgical alternative that requires minimal downtime and avoids scarring.
  4. Customisable Results: The amount of filler used can be tailored to each individual's specific needs and desired outcome, allowing for personalised results.

Duration of Results

The longevity of hip dip filler results varies from person to person. Typically, hyaluronic acid fillers last between 12 to 18 months. However, here at Injectual we use HYAcorp which is Hyaluronic Acid based and intended for body contouring and reshaping. Additionally we use Lanluma, which is a poly-l-lactic acid (PLLA) based filler. PLLA filler is a bio-stimulatory dermal filler, which means it stimulates your own skin to produce new collagen. The benefit from using both products is that you get the immediate result from HYAacorp and the long-term benefits from Lanluma (lasts up to 5 years).

To maintain the desired appearance, touch-up treatments may be recommended at regular intervals.

Finding a Qualified Practitioner

When considering hip dip filler treatment in London, UK, it is crucial to find a qualified and experienced medical practitioner. Look for a professional who specialises in aesthetic procedures and has a track record of successful outcomes. Take the time to research and read reviews from previous patients to ensure you choose a reliable practitioner who prioritises safety and delivers natural-looking results. Additionally, don’t be afraid to ask about your practitioner’s credentials because this is a relatively advanced medical aesthetic procedure that requires a certain level of skill and medical degree. 

Risks and Side Effects

While hip dip filler treatment is generally considered safe, there are potential risks and side effects to be aware of. These may include temporary redness, swelling, bruising, or tenderness at the injection sites. In rare cases, more serious complications such as infection or allergic reactions may occur. It is essential to discuss these risks with your practitioner and follow their aftercare instructions diligently to minimise the chances of any adverse effects.

Preparing for Hip Dip Filler Treatment in London

Before undergoing hip dip filler treatment, your practitioner will provide specific instructions to ensure optimal results. These may include avoiding blood-thinning medications or supplements prior to the procedure, refraining from alcohol consumption, and informing the practitioner about any underlying medical conditions or allergies. Following these guidelines will help ensure a smooth and successful treatment.

Aftercare and Recovery

After the hip dip filler treatment, it is important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your practitioner. This may include avoiding strenuous activities, excessive sun exposure, or saunas for a few days. Applying cold compresses to the treated area can help reduce swelling. It is also essential to attend any follow-up appointments as scheduled to monitor your progress and address any concerns.

Hip dip filler treatment offers individuals a non-surgical option to enhance their hip contours and achieve a more balanced and curvaceous appearance. By understanding the procedure, benefits, risks, and aftercare involved, you can make an informed decision about whether hip dip filler treatment is right for you.

If you have any questions about our hip dip filler treatment in London, UK or would like to book a treatment don’t hesitate to contact us!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How long does the hip dip filler treatment take?

A1: The hip dip filler treatment typically takes between 45 minutes to 90 minutes, depending on individual requirements and the complexity of the case.

Q2: Are hip dip fillers permanent?

A2: No, hip dip fillers are not permanent. The results usually last between 12 months to 5 years, depending on individual factors and the type of filler used.

Q3: What is the cost of hip dip filler treatment in the UK?

A3: The cost of hip dip filler treatment in the UK can vary depending on various factors, including the location, the practitioner's expertise, and the amount of filler required. Prices typically range from £500 to £5000 depending on the amount if filler used etc. 

Q4: Can hip dip filler treatment be reversed?

A4: In some cases, hyaluronic acid fillers used in hip dip treatments can be dissolved using an enzyme called hyaluronidase. This can reverse the effects of the filler if desired or in case of complications.

Q5: Is the procedure painful?

A5: The procedure involves minimal discomfort, as local anaesthesia or numbing cream is often used to ensure a comfortable experience. Some individuals may experience slight discomfort or a pinching sensation during the injections, but it is generally well-tolerated.

Q6: Will the hip dip filler treatment make my hips look unnatural?

A6: No, when performed by a skilled practitioner, hip dip filler treatment can provide natural-looking results that enhance the contours of your hips without appearing exaggerated or artificial.

Q8: Are there any restrictions or limitations after hip dip filler treatment?

A8: While you may resume your daily activities immediately after the treatment, it is advisable to avoid strenuous exercise or activities that put excessive pressure on the treated area for a few days. Your practitioner will provide you with specific post-treatment instructions tailored to your needs.

Q9: Can I combine hip dip filler treatment with other cosmetic procedures?

A9: Yes, depending on your aesthetic goals, you can discuss with your practitioner the possibility of combining hip dip filler treatment with other procedures, such as body contouring or dermal fillers in other areas, to achieve a comprehensive enhancement.

Q10: How soon will I see the results after hip dip filler treatment?

A10: The results of hip dip filler treatment are typically visible immediately after the procedure, unless you opted for PLLA based filler. However, there may be some initial swelling or bruising, which will subside within a few days, revealing the final outcome.

Written by MECHANYSM

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