Hyperhidrosis / Excessive Sweating Treatment


We just know you'll love your treatment with us so we're giving you £100 off your 1st treatment (over £300). Book your complimentary consultation below to start your aesthetic journey.


We just know you'll love your treatment with us so we're giving you £100 off your 1st treatment (over £300). Book your complimentary consultation below to start your aesthetic journey.


We just know you'll love your treatment with us so we're giving you £100 off your 1st treatment (over £300). Book your complimentary consultation below to start your aesthetic journey.

"We aim to standardise, democratise and modernise medical aesthetics, ensuring the highest level of expertise, integrity and safety."

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Are you struggling with excessive underarm, hand, or facial sweating that impacts your daily life? You're not alone - hyperhidrosis affects over 1 in every 100 people. As specialists in hyperhidrosis treatment in London, we understand how embarrassing and debilitating this condition can be. Our exclusive treatments can help you regain control and confidence.

What is Hyperhidrosis / Excessive Sweating?

Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition characterised by abnormal levels of sweating beyond what is needed for normal body temperature regulation. It usually occurs in areas like the underarms, palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and face. For hyperhidrosis sufferers, excessive sweat appears spontaneously, even in mild temperatures or non-stressful situations. This type of persistent, visibility sweating often causes emotional distress and social limitations due to the embarrassment it triggers.

Botulinum Toxin (Botox®) Injections for Hyperhidrosis / Excessive Sweating

Botulinum toxin, the active ingredient in Botox®, is injected directly into affected sweat glands to temporarily weaken their activity. On average, patients report:

  • 90% reduction in underarm sweating lasting 4-6 months
  • 90% reduction in palm sweating for 4-6 months
  • 90% reduction in plantar (foot) sweating for 6 months

During treatment, a tiny needle is used to administer precise amounts of botulinum toxin into specific glandular areas. Most feel only mild stinging. Results are often seen within 4 days with maximum effect at 2 weeks.

Key Benefits of Our Hyperhidrosis / Excessive Sweating Treatment

Our minimally invasive treatments are designed to reduce sweating at its source by targeting sweat gland function. Some key advantages include:

  • Reduced Sweating - By effectively blocking sweat gland activity, our treatments can eliminate up to 95% of excess sweat in treated areas for months at a time.
  • Enhanced Confidence - By eliminating visible sweat stains and odours, patients often feel more poised in social and professional encounters.
  • Improved Quality of Life - Excessive sweating impacts clothing choices, hobbies, and daily routines. Our treatments empower patients to reclaim these activities without limitations.
  • Long-Lasting Relief - Treatments usually provide relief for 4-6 months, meaning less frequent clinic visits versus lifelong medicated regiments or surgery.
  • Minimal Downtime - Our non-invasive procedures allow patients to resume normal activities immediately with no bruising, scarring or pain.

Are you Suitable for Hyperhidrosis / Excessive Sweating Treatment?

To be considered for hyperhidrosis treatment at Injectual, your excessive sweating should:

  • Affect your quality of life through social embarrassment or discomfort
  • Occur on the underarms, hands, face or feet
  • Appear spontaneously rather than due to heat or physical activity
  • Fail to improve with over-the-counter antiperspirants

We recommend our treatment options to anyone age 18 or older whose hyperhidrosis is refractory to lifestyle and medical approaches.

Comparing Hyperhidrosis / Excessive Sweating Treatment Options

Below is an overview of common hyperhidrosis treatment approaches to help you determine the best option based on your individual goals, lifestyle and severity of symptoms:




Repeats Needed?

Botulinum Toxin Injections

90% reduction

None - return to activities immediately

Every 4-6 months as effects fade

Microwave Thermolysis

70-80% reduction underarms within 3 months. Complete cessation of visible sweat within 6 months

None - return to activities immediately

Usually just one treatment provides lifelong relief

Oral Medications like glycopyrrolate

30-50% reduction overall

None - but can cause side effects like dry mouth

Lifelong medication needed


50-75% reduction of palmar hyperhidrosis

30 minutes, 2-3x per week

Requires lifelong weekly treatments

Surgery like endoscopic thoracic sympathetic block

Over 90% reduction underarms for 1-3 years

1-2 weeks downtime and potential complications

Effects may fade and requires repeats

As you can see, our minimally invasive options like botulinum toxin injections provide highly effective relief with minimal effort or downtime versus alternatives like medication, iontophoresis or surgery. We canLet's discuss during a consultation which might be the best customised solution for your situation.

Book The Best Hyperhidrosis / Excessive Sweating Treatment In London

Don't let excessive sweating hold you back any longer. Experience the relief and renewed confidence that our Hyperhidrosis Treatment in London can provide. Say goodbye to the discomfort and embarrassment and regain control of your life.

If you would like to book a treatment with Injectual or have more questions don’t hesitate to contact us today!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

The duration of the treatment depends on the specific technique employed and the areas being treated. Typically, a session can take 30 minutes.

Our hyperhidrosis treatment is generally well-tolerated and involves minimal discomfort.

Many patients experience a noticeable reduction in sweating within a few days to a week after the treatment.

Side effects are typically minimal and temporary. They may include mild swelling, redness, or bruising at the treatment site. These effects generally subside within a few days.

In general, patients can enjoy 6 months of reduced sweating before a follow-up treatment may be required.

Yes, our hyperhidrosis treatment can be performed on various areas, including the underarms, palms, feet, and face. Our aesthetic practitioners will assess your specific needs and tailor the treatment accordingly.

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Our founder Dr. Veerle, MD, FEBOPRAS, FCCP, is one of London's leading female plastic surgeons and is the co-founder of London’s holistic clinic, Tempus Belgravia. As her favourite motto is 'To be the best you need to learn from the best', Dr. Rotsaert has been travelling the world on the hunt for the world's leading techniques. Her and her peers' knowledge and skill have been used to create 5 proprietary techniques that will be used in all INJECTUAL clinics and by all injectors. 

 As founder of Injectual, Dr Rotsaert’s knowledge and understanding of both the surgical and non-surgical landscape is invaluable, and her commitment to helping enhance her patients’ lives continues to inspire.
Dr Thivos is a qualified doctor with a strong passion in aesthetic medicine. He graduated from one of the most prestigious medical schools in the world - Imperial College London. As well as his specialism in facial aesthetics, he has a background of working in medicine, surgery, psychiatry and A&E and has a strong background of anatomy and physiology. 

Dr Thivos takes a holistic approach for bespoke treatment planning with his patients, aiming to enhance their features and bring beautiful results while maintaining natural and harmonised outcomes. 

Specialties: Under Eye + Noses + Facial Feminisation/Masculinisation
Shantel Noble is an Independent Nurse Prescriber (INP) and clinical trainer. Shantel has been working full time in aesthetics since finishing a masters qualification (level 7) in non-surgical aesthetic medicine in 2018. After finalising her Level 7, she decided to combine her passion for skin with teaching and become an aesthetics trainer for Harley Academy.

Shantel’s ethos is about achieving natural results, beautifying and restoring what was once had without changing your unique qualities.

Shantel prioritises patient safety, ethical practice and ensuring each person has a comfortable experience.

Specialties: Artistic Transformation + Profhilo + Skincare
Dr Janine is an Aesthetic Doctor who graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery from the University of Bristol in 2017 and has a Master’s qualification (the highest qualification for injectables) in non-surgical facial aesthetics. With a passion for teaching, Dr Janine thrives as a clinical trainer at the renowned Harley Academy.

Dr Janine is committed to maintaining facial balance and harmony, whilst creating a bespoke treatment plan. She also takes pride in treating patients holistically, thereby ensuring natural results that are both beautiful and elegant.

Specialties: Mid- and lowerface rejuvenation + Anti-wrinkle treatments

Shima Samivand is an Independent Pharmacist Prescriber (PIP) and a fully qualified Aesthetic Practitioner. Shima is particularly passionate about skin health and an advocate for medical-grade skincare.

Shima prides herself in providing personable advice supported by safe and evidence-based treatments and is a strong believer that subtle enhancements offer the best results. Having trained under some of the UK’s most respected aesthetic professionals, Shima combines the latest treatment methods with her patient centred approach to achieve her favourite aspect of the job - witnessing the confidence boost that non-surgical treatments offer to patients!

Specialties: Skin, lip enhancements and anti-wrinkle treatments

Introducing Dr. Goziem Onuchukwu a highly experienced facial aesthetic practitioner known for her natural and stunning results. With prestigious academic qualifications from Barts and London, and a Masters in Aesthetic Medicine from Queen Mary's University of London, she brings a keen eye for detail and facial harmony. 

Dr. Goziem's approach emphasises the latest techniques and personalised care to address various skin concerns. Her warm and friendly demeanour ensures a comfortable experience for every client, while her commitment to safety and evidence-based treatments guarantees excellent results. 

Specialities: Skin + Anti-wrinkle treatment

We just know you'll love your treatment with us so we're giving you £100 off your 1st treatment (over £300). Book your complimentary consultation below to start your aesthetic journey.



Mon - Saturdays: 10am - 6pm